Over the years, in addition to conducting his own successful legal practice in Logan City, playing a role in legal profession and real estate reform and serving his community through Lifeline, Apex, Lions and Rotary, Tim has taught Welfare Law, Commercial Law and Real Estate Law at TAFE colleges, Business Communications and Professional Communications at QUT and Vendor & Purchaser at the University of Queensland. He has also given Property Law presentations at Queensland Law Society seminars and been a popular guest speaker for many organizations. Finally, Tim was for some years a Squadron Leader in the RAAF Reserve.
Tim has written regularly on legal and other subjects for newspapers, journals, magazines and on-line. such as this article: http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/author.asp?id=5802. As a result of his informed commentaries on TV news and current affairs programmes and on radio he has gained a national profile as a passionate consumer advocate.
By the way, Tim is a published obituarist: Obituary: Rev Dr Charles Noller | The Courier-Mail
When not at work, Tim enjoys writing, making gourmet sandwiches, reading crime novels and the odd Ouzo and coke.